

We use training techniques based on the latest scientific research results on the learning process for adults and the functioning of the brain in general. 

Performance Partners invites participants to take their own responsibility and let them take an active role in their own learning process. By stimulating them to immediately put the learned skills and techniques into practice, they succeed in achieving quick and sustainable results. Participants in our sessions are not only given the theoretical framework, but also get plenty of time for experiential experimentation. 

We know that theory alone is not enough to achieve lasting results and that experience and experimentation are important to integrate what we have learned into practice. 

Facilitation and process guidance


You have all the necessary knowledge and the right employees, but you don't succeed in achieving the desired results? Performance Partners provides you with tried and tested methods and processes to systematically bundle all existing knowledge, expertise and skills relevant for your organisation. In this way, you make optimal use of the available know-how, which leads to better performance. 

We are also at your service for guiding change processes.  

Among other things, Performance Partners uses the following methods and techniques to create space for participation and co-creation: 

  • Open Space Technology 

  • Appreciative inquiery 

  • World Cafe 

  • Deep Democracy 

  • NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) 

  • Systemic working 

  • … 

We continue to expand our range of methods and techniques.  We use these in our sessions. 

Coaching and mentoring


We provide our own extensive professional expertise in coaching and mentoring projects. For example, we support in learning skills, leadership, employee development, ... With our realistic and hands-on approach, we achieve results for all knowledge workers, including managers.  

We support individuals with a very personal approach. We support them in a process in which they come to their own insights and take responsibility for their development. We coach on the deeper level of values, norms and beliefs as well as on skills and interpersonal relationships. 

How colleagues work together determines the success of your organization. We support teams to work better together.  This can be done by mapping group processes, clarifying roles, making agreements, practicing skills, gaining insight into different personality styles, ... We provide the tools and insights that support this. 



Performance Partners diagnoses the needs of your organisation (structure, operation, staff ...), formulates clear advice and helps you achieve your objectives. 

Based on your input and intake interviews with other parties involved within the organisation (managers, team members, ICT, ...) we make an overview of the current situation and set the desired situation against it. 

In this way you will get a clear view of where your organisation is now and where it should evolve towards in order to be more efficient.  We provide a realistic plan of approach. Both before and during the implementation of this plan, you can count on Performance Partners as an advisor, consultant or process guide.